We want to hold a Members' Night some time on macro using the themes explained in David Gillivers' talk on "Little People". That will come later on as we order some little figures for such an event.
This Tuesday's Members' Evening (21 Jan 2025) will be anothe Critique Evening and this will be useful for our upcoming PDI and Print Competitions. I'd like to do this in groups of 4-6 people discussing images that you want people to critique. This could be images that you want to improve to put into competition or ones where you think a judge's criticism has been wrong and you want to see what members think. Anyway it's up to you what images you bring in.
So please bring in about 3-6 images either on a memory stick or as prints. We will need some laptops with photo software on them so if you can bring your laptop that would be great. The club laptop will also be present for some groups to use.
It'll be up to you how you want to work in your groups. Some groups might just stop at pure critiquing. Others may wish to go further and edit the images to see the effect of the criticism. However I would ask that you choose an image from each author first then repeat the process until you have finished all the iamges. We don't want all the images of one author to be critiques with people at the end not having had a turn.