Club Constitution





1. Name

The name of the club shall be the “Welwyn Garden City Photographic Club”.

2. Aims

The Club’s aims shall be to encourage the practice of all aspects of photography and to provide a forum for any persons interested in photography to meet.

3. Membership

3.1 The membership season for the club starts in September and lasts till May the following year

3.2 Members pay a fee which covers the events for one season only

3.3 Adult membership is available to anyone who is at least 18 years old

3.4 Adult members shall have full voting rights and may be elected or co-opted on to the Committee

3.5 Junior membership is available for 14 -17 year olds

3.6 No member or guest may be under 14 years old

3.7 Junior members may pay a lower subscription than Adult members to encourage their involvement (see section 5.2)

3.8 A Junior member must be accompanied at all times at any event organized by the club or its members, by someone who is over 18 years old and who is a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult

3.9 The person who accompanies a Junior may request not to be an Adult member, and if accepted as such, they will become an Associate member

3.10 An Associate member has no voting rights, cannot serve on the Committee and cannot take an active part in the club’s events, enter competitions or speak publicly at meetings

3.11 An Associate member may be responsible for a maximum of two paid-up Juniors and can only delegate their role to one other nominated person

3.12 A Junior member has no voting rights, but may participate in all club events including Annual, General and Extraordinary Meetings

3.13 A Junior member may be seconded onto the Committee but will have no Committee voting rights and cannot hold any of the Honorary Offices

3.14 Membership of the club will commence upon payment of the appropriate subscription and be based upon the age of the person at that time

3.15 Any member joining mid-season may be offered a pro-rata membership fee

3.16 All applications for membership are subject to the approval of the Committee which shall not be withheld unreasonably.


4. Administration

4.1  The Honorary Officers of the Club shall consist of :-


Vice Chairman

Honorary Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

4.2  The Executive Committee shall consist of the 4 Honorary Officers and up to 6 other elected members whose duties shall from time to time be defined by the committee.

4.3  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the running of the Club and answerable to the members at a General Meeting.

4.4  The Executive Committee shall be elected annually at the AGM.

4.5  Officers and committee members shall serve on the Committee for a maximum of three consecutive years unless agreed to the contrary by a 2/3 majority of those present and able to vote at a General Meeting.

4.6  Members may be co-opted by the Committee for one or more of the following reasons:

a)    To fill vacancies occasioned due to resignation of a serving member.

b)    To fill vacancies due to non-election of a full complement at AGM.

c)     Augment the Committee in the performance of specific duties outside the normal work of the Committee.

4.7  In the event of a tie in the voting on a proposal before the Committee the Chairman of that meeting shall have a casting vote.

4.8  A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be four members.

4.9  An accurate record of the Committee proceedings and General Meetings shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary or their nominee.  Such records will be made available to any member of the Club by arrangement with the Secretary.

5. Finances

5.1  The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible to the Committee for managing the Club’s finances and for advising the Committee on financial matters.

5.2  The member subscriptions shall be decided on the advice of the Treasurer.  The subscriptions shall be set at such a level that the Club’s normal operating costs are substantially met by this income.  Special subscription rates may be offered to certain classes of member at the discretion of the Committee.

5.3  The Club’s financial year shall run from the first of September to the thirty-first of August the following year, unless changed by a vote at an AGM

5.4  The accounts of the Club shall be audited annually according to arrangements agreed at the AGM. This will include the choice of an independent auditor for the following year.

5.5  Cheques drawn on the Club’s bank accounts shall be signed by two of the Honorary Officers.

6. General Meetings

6.1  The procedure at all General Meetings shall be according to the usual rules of debate.

6.2  A quorum at a General Meeting shall consist of 15 members or 50% of the paid-up membership, whichever is the lower.

6.3  A decision at a General Meeting shall be required for:

6.3.1       The winding up of the Club

6.3.2       Effecting any change in this constitution

6.3.3       Any other matters mentioned as so requiring in this constitution

6.4  Annual General Meetings

6.4.1       An AGM shall be held each year.  A period not exceeding 54 weeks shall separate the AGM.

6.4.2       The AGM shall carry out the following business:            Approve the minutes of the previous AGM.            Elect the Honorary Officers and Committee.            Consider a motion for the approval of the Club’s audited accounts.            Appoint the Auditor for the following year.            Consider any other business relevant to the running of the Club.

6.4.3       Election of the Executive Committee            Nominations of the posts for the Executive Committee, suitably seconded, should reach the Secretary one week before the AGM.  At the discretion of the AGM nominations may be accepted at the AGM.  Nominees must express their willingness to serve before the election takes place; this may be made verbally at the meeting or in writing prior to it.            The nominee who secures most votes in a ballot of paid-up Adult members present at the AGM shall be elected.  In the event of a tie in the votes after two ballots the election shall be decided by drawing lots.            The new Committee will assume their duties at the end of the AGM with the exception of the Chairman who shall take over the running of the meeting when the elections are completed.

6.4.4       At least 4 weeks notice of the AGM shall be given, this is deemed to be given if the date is published in the official programme at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting.

6.4.5       An agenda detailing the business to be discussed shall be made available to members at least one week before the meeting.

6.4.6       In the event of their being insufficient nominations for the four Honorary Offices the AGM shall be adjourned for a period of not exceeding 14 days.  If at the time of the re-convened AGM appropriate nominations have still not been received the Club activities shall be suspended and no further meetings will take place.  The constitutional winding up (Section 8 below) will be initiated.

7       Extraordinary General Meetings

7.1  An EGM may be called:-

7.1.1       On the initiative of the Executive Committee

7.1.2       By a motion signed by at least 8 members or 10% of the Adult membership, whichever is the greater

7.2  At least 2 weeks notice of an EGM shall be given to members.  This notice shall be deemed to have been given if an announcement of it has been made to the members present at least two normal Club meetings immediately prior to the date of the EGM and providing an agenda detailing the business to be discussed is available at those meetings.

8       Winding up

8.1  A Board of Trustees shall be formed to administer the winding up procedure.  This should normally consist of the Treasurer, the Secretary and one other Committee member.

8.2  The Trustees shall be responsible for managing in trust the Club’s assets – after discharging any debts – for a maximum period of 12 months.

8.3  During the 12 month period any residual assets shall be made available to any local group of bona-fide photographic enthusiasts who wish to re-form a club.  However, such a group must number at least 8 individuals and satisfy the Trustees of their serious intent.

8.4  At the end of the 12 month period, and in the event of no re-formation of the Welwyn Garden City Photographic Club, the Trustees shall offer any assets to a suitable charity


End of Welwyn Garden City Photographic Club Constitution